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Jessica Chastain reveals her awesome reason for not dating other stars

Jessica Chastain has played all different kinds of characters and she has won plenty of awards, but to her, fame means nothing.

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The actress spoke with the Telegraph about her current relationship and about how she could not care less if you are famous.

“If you want to be really famous, then date another famous person,” she explained, according to Us Weekly. “But the fame is not the part of my life that I am excited about.”

The actress has been dating Italian fashion executive, Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo, for about two years and said that she prefers normal guys because dating another star “puts a magnifying glass on you.”

“I’m a shadow whisperer, I hide in the shadows,” Chastain explained. “I tend to avoid places where I might get photographed… I just don’t think of myself as a movie star — I’m an actress.”

But being a star is a part of her life now and she admitted that she needs a man who understands her day job. And a big part of that is him being comfortable with their relationship — as well as who he is.

“I think you have to date someone who understands some aspects of the film industry,” she said. “I mean, I’m going to be in Northern Ireland kissing Colin Farrell, so I have to date a guy who is really confident in himself and isn’t insecure about all of that.”

Acting is the only thing Jessica Chastain knows

Jessica Chastain has become a staple on the awards circuit and don’t be surprised if she is back at it this year. Interstellar costar, Matthew McConaughey, already thinks the film will be a contender for Oscars this awards season.

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