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Anderson Cooper gets punk’d, gets the giggles for the 897th time (VIDEOS)

Anderson Cooper became the unwitting subject of his own Ridiculist, but his shame is our gain: We’re treated to an incredible Silver Fox giggle fest.

In the world of coworker crimes, bad smells rank up there at the top (clipping fingernails in the office is my personal peeve). In most offices, the worst offender is the person who burns popcorn or reheats a tuna melt, but at CNN, Cooper and his fancy candles are gassing everyone out of the studio.

Anderson Cooper gets drunk with Lady Gaga during interview

But rather than have a friendly little chat about it at the water cooler, the journalist’s coworkers decided to beat him at his own game and totally punk him by making him the subject of his own Ridiculist.

Anderson Cooper’s coming out story told with a giggle

Here are some things Cooper’s “basil-scented” candle actually smells like, according to the complainants:

  • Grandma’s house
  • An old mall
  • Italian salad
  • Woodstock vomit
  • Garden gnome’s underwear drawer

Anderson Cooper giggles over Dyngus Day pussy willows

The best part, of course, is when Cooper lets out a volley of his famous giggles. Special treat time! Since it’s only Wednesday and you probably have half a week’s worth of sinister smells in your own office to deal with, here’s a collection of Cooper’s giggles to distract you from your Limburger cheese-loving cube mate — noseclip not included.

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