Could a Game of Thrones film really be a possibility? Yes, it definitely could, according to one of the show’s stars.
Charles Dance, who plays Tywin Lannister on Game of Thrones, spilled the beans that there’s already talk of a Game of Thrones movie. During his interview with The Daily Beast, Dance admitted, “There’s talk of eventually trying to do a feature film, but I don’t know which of the story lines. There’s so much to cram into a film.”
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We have to agree with the actor, so we’ve outlined some things we want to see if the movie does actually happen.
1. A condensed story
With this news, a lot of people have already been asking the very fair question: Do we really even need a movie? While we’ll never say “no” to more Game of Thrones, we have to agree in part. This is a valid point. The episodes are already cinematically stunning and, within an hour each week, the show really does an amazing job of fleshing out the story. Where we could see a movie being successful is in the small details, like taking a lesser-known character and bringing their journey to the screen.
2. Take us outside of Westeros
There just wouldn’t be enough time to showcase all the characters in a well-rounded plot within the span of a three-hour (at most) film. But we can imagine the story of a character outside of Westeros and the lands we see in the series. Sort of a film spin-off, if you will.
3. Dragons
I mean, come on. Duh. We tune in every week on Game of Thrones hoping to see some dragon action, especially now that Dani’s three are getting bigger. We get it, CGI is expensive, but with the budget HBO is giving the series, we expect some more fire-breathing action. We’re guessing, judging by the looks of Season 5 so far, the show is planning on delivering. A movie should too.
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4. Some backstory
Still, we could imagine a movie set in a time before Dani’s dragons. Perhaps the past history of Westeros is a story a movie could successfully tell. And, of course, if you’re talking about Westeros’ past, you have to include dragons. Lots of them, please and thanks.
5. Some stunning visuals
Going right along with the idea of dragons, if the show can manage to wow us on the small screen, a movie had better take the effects up a notch. The series already feels like silver-screen quality, which means the movie had better be shot beautifully and have the special effects to match.
6. More on the magic of Westeros
From white walkers to Melisandre’s crazy smoke baby, we’ve seen hints of the mystical elements in Westeros, but they seem to be on the outskirts of the story. They are extensions of characters but rarely ever central to the plot. We have to believe there’s a greater purpose to the supernatural in Martin’s world other than that it makes for some cool stories. If the series isn’t going to clue us in to more of the dynamics of the Game of Thrones world, we’d at least hope the movie would.
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7. Some closure
At the Season 4 premiere, author George R.R. Martin said, “The books get bigger and bigger [in scope]. It might need a feature [film] to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100 million for two hours.”
The books could graduate from television to film to wrap up the story line. And we’d be OK with that. Perhaps HBO could make the last season more of a miniseries with longer episodes, as opposed to the 10 hour-long episodes per season we’ve seen so far.
8. George R.R. Martin’s involvement
The one thing that would put our minds at ease about the idea of a movie would be if the man behind the stories was involved. Just as producers take Martin’s opinion very seriously in the series, we would hope that they would bring him in as a valuable asset for a feature film. If Martin’s on board, we are too.
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