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What Scott Disick is teaching us about real life d-bags

Some of Scott Disick‘s d-bag traits are routed in his addiction, but not all. If we pay attention, he’s got a lot to teach us about spotting (and avoiding) d-bags. Here are a few key things we’ve learned about d-bags from watching Disick.

They’re good-looking and funny

If a guy is attractive and makes us laugh, it’s all over — right, ladies? That lethal combination is every woman’s kryptonite, and a lot of guys know it. D-bags will manipulate this weakness to their advantage. Why do you think Kourtney Kardashian keeps taking Disick back? (Well, in addition to the fact that they have two kids together, and she’s pregnant with a third.)

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Be wary of a guy who is hot and funny — keep your guard up until you really get to know him. There’s at least a 50 percent chance that behind that sexy facial hair and those blazing blue eyes lurks the heart of a d-bag.

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They’re smart

We often underestimate the intelligence of a d-bag, and that is a big mistake. Disick got a bad rap for how he reacted to Kourtney’s third pregnancy, but the guy is just being smart. Given Disick’s issues, it probably wasn’t a good idea for this couple to have a kid, much less three. In this day and age, there really is no excuse for unplanned pregnancies, and these two both exercised poor judgment by being careless when one parent is dealing with addiction issues.

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They’re self-absorbed

D-bags are out for No. 1. Disick has demonstrated this numerous times on camera, but the most memorable may be when he bought the title of “Lord” over the internet and participated in a knighting ceremony in London, England. The title — which Disick said, “got him the respect he deserved” — went straight to Disick’s head.

Their job

If a guy’s “job” involves drinking copious amounts of alcohol with the boys, while hot, drunken women scamper about — run — don’t walk, in the opposite direction. While we’re still not 100 percent sure what Disick’s day job is (outside of being on Keeping Up With the Kardashians), it appears to have something to do with event and club promotion. Generally speaking, these types of jobs are reserved for professional d-bags.

They’re self-destructive

Much of Disick’s douchebaggery is routed in his addiction. People do and say things they would never ordinarily do and say when under the influence. That will only get you off the hook for so long, though. If you start to use it as an excuse or quit rehab early when you are so clearly in need of professional help, that’s douchey.

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