After being snapped walking outlandish colourful dogs, JWoww and Snooki received complaints from PETA for dyeing their dogs’ fur purple and pink.
Obviously, in the ever-expanding age of modernity, mutations are not all that shocking. But purple and pink dogs?! That’s where the line should be drawn.
Jersey Shore’s JWoww – with the help of fellow reality show pal Snooki – took her pups for a casual walk around Jersey City; but there was something a little off about those furry little creatures… One of them was purple and the other pink!
Yes, JWoww dyed Bella and Noel’s fur. Palm to face.
While we have come to accept the fashion choices of Jersey Shore’s cast, as well their au-naturel-smothered-by-the-sun skin tone; dog fur colouring still feels wrong.
And PETA frolicked to this travesty faster than a school girl to a hot teacher.
“Dyeing a companion animal’s fur causes the animal stress and can lead to complications or allergic reactions that endanger the animal’s health,” a rep told E! News.
“Our dogs and cats love us regardless of how we look; we should extend the same kindness to them.”
Amen. Let us respect our little friends because next time we could see them sporting a spray tan… And that is a world none of us want to live in. Godspeed!
Photo courtesy of: C.Smith/
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