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Amanda Bynes arrested for DUI

Mama is going to be so proud! Young starlet Amanda Bynes was arrested for driving while under the influence in Hollywood on Friday. The pool of sober drivers is clearly shrinking…

Amanda Bynes is used to the spotlight, but unfortunately, this time the starlet found herself sparkling under the lights of the police — not quite as fun.

The 26-year-old actress was booked in West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station for DUI on Friday after colliding with — ironically enough — a police car.

Yup, you can share this one at the next water cooler meeting. Bynes’ black BMW scraped the paint off a cruiser, and upon a short investigation, the officer discovered that the actress was intoxicated. Her bail was set at $5,000, but she was released the same morning. No court date has been set yet.

Bynes successfully joins a hefty army of celebrities with DUI badges. She can now proudly compare herself to the likes of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton and Shia LaBeouf — and sadly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

In Hollywood, where paycheques can sustain small countries and luxury is too commonplace, it’s hard to believe that, unlike us, celebrities cannot spare $50 for a cab to get home or have no friends to get a lift from. Puh-lease.

Those mug shots are not flattering. But there ye have it.

Photo courtesy of: Adriana M. Barraza/

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