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Who’s the new villain in the Thor sequel?

The initial instalment of the Thor films has been surprisingly successful, and with the sequel set for release next year, who’s going to be the villain?

If Chris Hemsworth has been plaguing your mind with his incredible beauty and muscular superiority, then you probably want to know more about the Thor sequel he’s starring in.

Thor: The Dark World is slated for release next year and will feature acting returnees Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins. But who’s the villain in this second instalment?

The bad, bad man to try to vanquish Thor and his crew is Marvel’s Malekith, who will be portrayed by Christopher Eccleston. The actor is best known for his role as the ninth reincarnation of the Doctor on popular British television series Doctor Who.

If you’re not a comic book fanatic, Eccleston’s character Malekith the Accursed (epic, right?) is the ruler of the Dark Elves. Beyond possessing superhuman intellect, strength and speed, Malekith also has the ability to manipulate the forces of magic. We think Eccleston can pull off a creepy supernatural creature full of eeeevil.

What do you think? Is Ecceston right for the part?

Photo courtesy of Kavl/

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