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Lady Gaga shaves out triangle in her hair

Lady Gaga is a quirky one, and we’re used to it. As a way to comfort and support a friend, the singer shaved a part of her hair. Why? Nobody knows.

What did Lady Gaga do this time? Did she dye her hair an unimaginable colour or wax her eyebrows clean off? Maybe wear a bacon suit or shoes made of monkeys’ tails? No, but close.

She got a haircut. No, not Miley Cyrus style… More of a medieval monk-type deal.

Gaga posted a photo, along with a tweet, revealing a kind of bowl haircut with a shaved-out triangle extending from the midsection of the back of her head to her nape. But don’t worry, it wasn’t just for laughs — it was all for a friend.

“I did it for u Terry. I’m sorry about ure mommy. She has princess die, but were all princess high,” the singer tweeted yesterday.

We’re not quite sure what that means, but it’s reportedly alluding to Terry Richardson (Gaga’s friend and photographer), whose mother passed away recently. We’re also not quite sure what the haircut symbolizes, but if it’s in support of a friend, we say, more power to ya!

It should also be mentioned that the triangular shaved-out formation affects only the under layer of Gaga’s mane; she can easily let her hair down to cover it. In other words, she will not always look like Friar Tuck.

Despite the sarcasm, our condolences to Terry Richardson and his family. Opinions?

Photo courtesy of

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