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10 Awesome moments from Jay Z and Beyonce’s Run trailer

In true king and queen of everything fashion, Jay Z and Beyoncé have released a mock trailer for their upcoming On the Run tour. It’s pretty epic!

Photo courtesy of Andres Otero /

Because they are allowed to do whatever their little hearts desire, on Saturday Beyoncé and Jay Z released a mock trailer for a faux movie epically titled Run — obviously in promotion of their upcoming joint summer tour On the Run.

The four-minute trailer follows Jay and Bey portraying super-cool robbers as they ride around on motorcycles, shoot guns and get all steamy onscreen. The video even features an array of celebrity appearances whilst showcasing Jay Z’s single “Part II (On the Run).” If you haven’t already, check it out:

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

Pretty neat, huh? While we doubt it’d make a great movie, we think it’s a brilliant way to promote their new tour. We thoroughly enjoyed way too many moments to pick just one favourite, so here are all the scenes that tickled our fancy:

1. Sean Penn

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

It starts off as a very visual trailer, and then… Boom! Sean Penn is on the screen. We didn’t see it coming. Our hats are off to Bey and Jay for booking this guy. We wonder how that happened, though.

2. Beyoncé running away in booty shorts

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

You know, if you ever had to run away from an amazingly beautiful police officer, you may as well do it in a bra and booty shorts, right? We’re pretty sure only Beyoncé can get away with this.

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3. From the beautiful Emmy Rossum

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

Obviously this video was not about being realistic, because who would actually book it from Emmy Rossum? Maybe only crazy people. We think the actress was a wonderful representative for the police force.

4. Whatever is happening here

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

We don’t even know… Bey looks like a cowgirl; Jay is just there. They’re in front of a motel, just chilling. We’re not sure how this fits into this vague trailer, but we love it.

5. Jake Gyllenhaal’s crazy eyes

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

OK, how insane does Jake Gyllenhaal look? Just imagine this guy coming at ya in the middle of the night… Scary, no? We just hope that facial expression was intentional.

6. Don Cheadle

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

No faux trailer is complete without Don Cheadle. He just makes everything cooler and smoother. If we were pressed, we think Cheadle could definitely take Jay Z down.

7. Bey robbing a bank, wearing a doily

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

We’re not even sure if this needs a comment… We’re not well versed in bank robbery, but we have a slight hunch that a doily top and a crisp white blazer are not traditional attire.

8. Blake Lively

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

The video was already beautiful with Beyoncé and Emmy Rossum, but can you actually have too much gorgeous? Blake Lively just wrapped it all together into a trifecta of stunning.

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9. Rashida Jones voicing what everybody is thinking

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

Seriously. Best moment of the whole video: Rashida Jones saying, “I mean, come on!” whilst gesturing toward Bey. Clearly we all think the songstress is too sexy to be a bank robber.

10. This

Video courtesy of Jay Z’s Life+Times / YouTube

This looks like a scene out of our dreams. Swimming in a pool of money… And we usually do look like Beyoncé in our dreams, so it’s even more accurate.

What is your favourite moment from the faux trailer? And what did you think of it overall?

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