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This Zac Efron booty-shaking video is the answer to life

Who doesn’t love Zac Efron? He’s an all-around great and talented fella. This Instagram video showcasing the actor’s splendid footwork makes us adore him even more.

Photo courtesy of Brian To/

You might not know this, but you have been waiting for this video your whole life. It’s true. At least, it is for us…

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Zac Efron is currently vacationing in Italy, hanging out with entrepreneur Gianluca Vacchi, Michelle Rodriguez and Vacchi’s girlfriend, Giorgia Gabriele. No biggie, right? Well, the actor felt a little musical during his stay and took the liberty of showing off his dance moves on a table with a couple of buddies to the twerk-tastic Jason Derulo hit “Wiggle.” Vacchi captured the whole thing, and now we are so very happy.

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A post shared by Gianluca Vacchi (@gianlucavacchi)

Did you see how fluid his moves are? The boy knows what’s up. Why weren’t we invited to this party? We could totally be cool about Efron being super hot, prancing around on a table… OK, fine — we’d probably carry him out King Kong-style. If you’re wondering, the actor was sharing his table stage with dancer Youssef Giga and a third fella (yet to be identified).

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Now our interested has been tickled silly, and we want more. If this ever reaches you, Efron, Mr. Vacchi or Giga, please make more dancing videos! Toss in some “Drop It Like It’s Hot” or “The Motto,” but just have fun with it, and lose them shirts! Thanks. Signed, the entire human populace.

What did you think of the video? Which other songs would you want Efron to show off his moves to?

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