In case it wasn’t clear, Macklemore is pretty darn fantastic. The rapper hit the streets of Seattle dressed as a grandmother on Halloween to earn some candy.
Sorry, everybody else in the world, but y’all are officially losers (in a good way?). Macklemore came, saw and conquered Halloween this year. There’s just nothing anyone can do about it but applaud the man for his immense bravery.
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In a video uploaded on Ryan Lewis’ YouTube channel, the rapper dresses up as a grandmother and goes trick-or-treating on the streets of Seattle. From what we gather, this gag stemmed from Macklemore somehow ticking off his fiancée, Trisha Davis, and making amends by humiliating himself. We certainly approve. Be warned: There are instances of foul language and intense grandma twerking.
Video credit: Ryan Lewis/YouTube
There are just so many great parts to this video! There’s the booty shaking, the freestyle rap in the car and obviously the fact that Macklemore actually dressed up as a grandmother to go trick-or-treating on Halloween. He should get an award for this. Also, did anyone else notice that Macklemore has very nice legs?
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Our only hope is that next year, Macklemore will take this amazing Halloween spirit north of the border up to Canadia. We would give him all the candy in the world. What did you think of the fun video?
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