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Jennifer Aniston looks unrecognizable in Cake (VIDEO)

After months of chatter about Jennifer Aniston‘s newest film Cake, we finally got a glimpse at her much-hyped about acting chops. The actress may just qualify for the Oscar race.

OK, we’ve all heard of this film — pitched as one of the actress’ best performances to date — but we haven’t actually seen a proper trailer until now. Well, the long and agonising wait is over, folks!

Is Jennifer Aniston finally starring in a good movie?

The trailer for Jennifer Aniston‘s alleged acting tour de force, Cake, has been released and it looks mighty incredible. First of all, the Friends actress looks barely recognisable playing a pill-addicted, acidic woman, who becomes fixated on the suicide of another woman (Anna Kendrick) in her support group. Second of all, this film boasts a pretty enviable cast; we have Aniston, Kendrick, Felicity Huffman, William H. Macy, Sam Worthington and Adriana Barraza. But enough of this chatter, check out the trailer below:

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Video credit: ABCNews

Isn’t it incredible to see Aniston in such a different role? The actress rarely takes on or is offered roles that challenge her acting abilities, so it’s refreshing to see her outside that comfort zone. The film opened to a standing ovation at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival, but the critics were torn about it. We’ll just see what happens when it hits theatres.

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Cake will run in theatres for one week in December to qualify for the Oscar race, but will officially open for wide release in January 2015. So, what do you think of Aniston’s performance and transformation?

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