I labored under the belief that high-schoolers had loqued out Jeeps and wild house parties every night, and I couldn’t wait. It wasn’t until my freshman year that I realized I was totally buggin’. We were all lied to.
As a middle-schooler in the ’90s, Clueless was my guide to high school. It represented everything I could look forward to — a time to leave Trapper Keepers behind and refine my interests among my older, more mature peers. Perhaps I would meet a nice boy at the mall, for instance, after purchasing a marabou boa to match my brand-new high school clothes.
More: Iggy Azalea as Cher Horowitz for Clueless-inspired “Fancy” music video
1. Everyone has a car in high school
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Pretty much no one I knew drove to high school until they were a senior, and then it was usually in a beat up Geo Storm, at best.
2. You can wear whatever you want
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As long as it fits the rigorous dress code.
3. You can wear whatever you want, and no one will make fun of you
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Only Dionne could wear this hat with impunity. Snaps, girl.
4. High school relationships were complex, lasting affairs
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For like, a week.
5. High school teachers were way more lenient, and kind of stupid
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Cher would have failed my high school English class, unsolicited matchmaking notwithstanding.
6. Truancy is no big deal
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Especially if you don’t mind getting arrested.
7. A whole new world of slang awaited us
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The surest way to identify yourself as a freshman was to use “buggin'” unironically.
8. Parties! Parties every weekend!
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Really intense ragers that included four of your friends sitting on a couch in your basement watching TV and drinking peach Schnapps if you were hard-core.
More:Alicia Silverstone joins the Mommalogues
9. Being a new kid is easy, if you make friends with the popular crowd
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All you need is a makeover.
10. It’s totally OK to dance like this:
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It is not. Ever.
11. Flirting is easy
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Anything that brings attention to the mouth is good.
12. High school fashion is high fashion
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Haute couture pajama bottoms and hoodies, amirite?
On StyleCaster: All of Cher Horowitz’s outfits from Clueless
13. High-schoolers were so deep
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Everyone loves a little light amateur psychology.
14. Party games are a thing that happen
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My favorite one was, “Stand very still against a wall until it’s time to leave.”
15. Teachers were so understanding
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As long as you had a really good, humorous excuse for being late.
16. I’m still waiting for one of these:
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But it’s not like I’m bitter or anything, OK?
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