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15 GIFs that will make you want to enroll in Poland’s real-life Hogwarts

Florida may have The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but it doesn’t hold a floating candle to Poland’s College of Wizardry. Meet you there? Classes resume in April. We can catch up over a warm butterbeer before Divination.

Listen closely — can you hear it? It’s the sound of that familiar Harry Potter refrain floating through the air. That and the collective heart-fluttering of thousands of die-hard Harry Potter fans completely geeking out over the College of Wizardry — or CoW, for short — at the Polish castle of Czocha.

Staff like the peculiar fellow seen here are described as “a strange bunch, ranging from bumbling, absent-minded professors with scant memory of their own youth to sharp-tongued young lecturers who are out to prove themselves and who would fight for their very lives to keep their positions here at the famous college.”

Potions, perhaps? Whatever is being concocted in this cozy classroom by candlelight has our names all over it.

According to the website, it’s a lesser-known fact that once wizards pass their N.E.W.T.s at the end of their seventh year at Hogwarts, some go on to study at higher institutions of educationmagic, like CoW.

For three years, young wizards and witches continue honing their skills in subjects such as Dark Arts 2, Divination, Potions and more to become “ready for the life of witchcraft and wizardry they are destined for.”

Can it be, you ask? Yes, yes, it can be, quivery handed friend — CoW offers quidditch. So grab a broom, and start chasing that ever-elusive snitch.

While at CoW, wizards and witches are immersed in the Harry Potterian-world of emotional drama, house rivalry, battles, friendship and pretty much every little thing that might make your magic-loving heart skip a beat.

Did they win a big quidditch match against a rival house? Bring down a massive troll? Ace their S.P.E.L.L.s? This world is rife with possibility.

In all seriousness, we’d go to enjoy the stunning scenery, if for no other reason. Although, let’s be honest… we’ve got about a million other reasons.

Hogwarts has the Yule Ball, and thus CoW has a ball of its own, too. As you can tell, it’s rich with merriment, dusty threads and, likely, plenty of sexual frustration.

While at CoW, students can choose from five study paths: Aurors, Curse Breakers, Healers, Magizoologists and the Unspeakables. Ooh, ooh, sign us up!

It’s all fun and games until someone gets irreversibly maimed by a werewolf, right? Still, despite some of the professors’ hard go at life in the time of Lord Voldemort, everyone seems to be in remarkably good spirits at CoW.

Dark times are upon us, my friends. Would it really hurt to brush up on your casting skills? Four days at CoW can almost guarantee you’ll eke out an extra week or so of mortality should Voldemort’s followers rise up and attack once more.

Seriously, though — who wouldn’t want to spend four days here?

We know what you’re thinking. “When? For the love of all things Dumbledore, when?” As fortune would have it, the next CoW session takes place April 9 through April 12, 2015. Check it out here.

Images: Cosmic Joke/GIFsoup

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