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YouTube Rewind releases top 10 trending ads of 2014 (VIDEOS)

YouTube has released its 2014 list of most-watched commercials. This list definitely has it all. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. And one will leave you absolutely stumped.

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According to a statement released by YouTube about the top commercials this year, people watched more than 1 billion minutes of just the top 10 ads on their list. The No. 1 ad this year (see below) was watched more than 73 million times and it wasn’t even published until the middle of the year on June 9! Check out all the ads below.

10. Heineken | Routine Interruptions | The Payphone with Fred Armisen
As a young female, there is no way in hell I’d answer that pay phone or walk across that street into an unmarked building by myself. No way, no how. That doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely love this commercial, though, and everything about Fred Armisen.

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9. Global Be(er) Responsible Day | “Friends Are Waiting” | Budweiser
Leave it to Budweiser to use puppies in the best possible way to leave us all feeling inspired and better. We might even argue that these commercials are even better than their beer. Just sayin’ we could…

8. P&G Thank You, Mom | Pick Them Back Up | Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
This commercial is the one out of the bunch that had me reaching for my box of tissues without hesitation. I pretty much only have one thing left to say after watching: Thank you, Mom! I love you. Now, excuse me while I go finish my tear fest.

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7. Galaxy Note 4 — Then and Now
This is definitely the oddball commercial on the list, sure to leave you scratching your head. Where the others are inspiring, emotional and chock-full of celebrities, this minute-long look at the Galaxy Note 4 spends most of its time making fun of the iPhone. And not in a funny way. Clearly, these advertisers knew what they were doing.

6. Duracell: Trust Your Power — NFL’s Derrick Coleman, Seattle Seahawks
Coleman’s story is innately inspiring, but Duracell manages to capture the tale in the most perfect way imaginable with this motivational commercial that will leave you wanting to get up off the couch and push your personal limits.

5. Devil Baby Attack
Honestly, watching this commercial is terrifying. Who needs a horror movie when the span of a two-minute commercial is enough to give you nightmares. OK, so it’s also simultaneously hilarious to watch people’s reactions, which is exactly why this commercial is genius. And terrifying. Did we mention it’s terrifying? We recommend you turn down the volume for this one.

4. Always #LikeAGirl
Go feminism! We definitely saw the re-rise of girl power in 2014 and this commercial perfectly captures the importance of being aware of negative social norms that are actually really harmful to developing children. By just educating consumers, we can change the negative saying “like a girl” into a positive.

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3. Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial — “Puppy Love”
We didn’t stand a chance when this commercial first aired during the Super Bowl. The story of a puppy and a horse’s friendship could not get anymore endearing. And it didn’t get old, either, even though we definitely saw this commercial a few dozen times.

2. Nike Football: The Last Game ft. Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Zlatan, Iniesta & More
The Nike commercials are more like gorgeously crafted short films rather than actual commercials. This ad appeals to both adults and children alike with a story that proves risks pay off.

1. Nike Football: Winner Stays ft. Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Ibrahmovi?, Iniesta & More
Nike for the commercial win this year! You can thank the World Cup for this one. Not only did the company manage to capture a global audience with their choice of soccer/football players and sports celebrities, they also told an inspiring tale, with a moral that says risks pay off and confidence in yourself is key.

Which ad from the list is your favorite?

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