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You’ll never guess who is the ‘most fascinating’ person this year

What does it take to captivate one of the most fascinating men in the world?

That was Barbara Walters‘ burning question. The answer? The most fascinating woman in the world, Amal Alamuddin Clooney. The woman who has done what the world thought was impossible — nailed down George Clooney (and she solidified that by famously taking his name) — has been named Walters’ Most Fascinating Person of 2014.

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George was the consummate bachelor who, along with his long history of high-profile, supermodel-type girlfriends, famously said in a 2006 interview with Walters that he wasn’t interested in ever getting married.

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Well, bravo, Amal — you bagged the most elusive bachelor in history.
But what else is it about Amal that makes her so fascinating? Is it the fact that she is Oxford-educated and holds a law degree from NYU or that she clerked for now U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor? Or maybe that she was one of the most widely known human rights attorneys in the world while working at the United Nations? Umm… in a nutshell, yes!

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The Lebanese-born beauty, according to Walters, joined the ranks of Jackie Onassis, Kate Middleton and Princess Diana in that everything they do, say and, of course, wear is fascinating.
This is the 21st year Walters has declared her “10 Most Fascinating People.” During an appearance on her show The View, she revealed seven of the 10 as Oprah Winfrey (shocker), Taylor Swift (bigger shocker), Neil Patrick Harris, Chelsea Handler (actual shocker) David Koch, Scarlett Johansson and Michael Strahan.

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