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Kim Kardashian sends Kris a mean message about her 11 “omish” looks (PHOTOS)

We’ve long wondered why a woman as gorgeous as Kris Jenner so often dresses like a nun — and now we know we’re not the only ones.

Kris is newly single and ready to mingle, but you wouldn’t know it by the boring, covered-up looks she’s been running around in. We appreciate that a woman of a certain age neither wants nor needs to let it all hang out all the time, but the Kardashian family matriarch could stand to brighten things up a bit. As it turns out, her daughter Kim agrees.

Kris shared an email Kim sent, calling out Kris’s bland sartorial choices and commanding her to step it up — no more “pilgrim adams,” “omish” outifts, please!

We love that Kimmie can’t spell Amish correctly. She’s adorable. But she’s also right: Kris has been dragging this look out for years, and it’s definitely time to move on — especially now that she’s an eligible bachelorette!

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Here’s Kris wearing the exact same outfit for a Today show appearance in October:

Some other examples of her “omish” looks:

More: Kris Jenner slams Kim Kardashian for taking 1,200 selfies

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Image: WENN

Kris, we love you too, but may we humbly suggest that you add some color into your wardrobe, drop the Peter Pan collars, expose your lovely shoulders once in a while (that’s what short hair is for!) and rock that incredible body you work so hard for!

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