We’ve waited a long-ass time to see the return of Mike Myers and, more important, Dr. Evil. The latest Saturday Night Live opening skit delivered them, bringing irony of epic proportions.
More: You’ve seen the Bilbo Baggins skit, right?
Yeah, yeah. It’s Saturday night, and most of you people were probably out being social at some dumb Christmas party. But for all of us dorks with no life (or SNL junkies, One Direction fans and Amy Adams’ family), there was nothing more important than sitting down to catch the latest episode of Saturday Night Live‘s rockiest seasons. From true highs to awkward/racist/sexist lows, our favorite sketch comedy show has been a bit of a roller coaster lately, but tonight the show delivered… at least in that opener.
Colin Jost was nearly spot-on with his Sam Smith impersonation in the “Very Somber Christmas with Sam Smith” sketch. We were honestly a little disappointed to see him run through a bunch of sad Christmas songs while imitating the chart-topping singer. Bu-u-u-ut, we’ll let it slide since it was Dr. Evil who “preempted” the performance. The first sketch of the night had a lot of promise, but there’s no way it could have competed with the return of Myers as Dr. Evil.
More: James Franco and Nicki Minaj on SNL — see the best moments
What was the dastardly doc doing on Saturday Night Live? Just taking Sony and North Korea to school about the proper ways to be evil and handle evil. Let’s face it: This week has been wrought with flubs from both parties. From a massive country deciding the best way to mess with America is to target a movie to the production company handling the situation so poorly that even the president chimed in, things were a little out of hand.
So what did Dr. Evil have to say about the sitch? Watch and find out… (And, yes, we’ll embed a better version just as soon as it’s available!)
Oh, yeah. Amy Adams was OK, and One Direction’s first song was a little pitchy. But, seriously, who cares right now?!
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