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Spencer Pratt talking about fatherhood will totally change your mind about him


Both Heidi and Spencer Pratt admit to pushing their marriage to the limit by reinventing Spencer as a husband on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars that premieres tonight on WEtv. The question is: Can he really change?

During the two weeks of filming Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, married couple Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were forced to live in a baby’s nursery. Why? It’s no secret that Heidi has baby fever while Spencer has more of a baby allergy. We sat down with both Heidi and Spencer to find out what the experience was really like.

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When we asked Heidi about having to stay in a baby’s nursery, she gushed, saying, “It was a dream come true to me. I was so thrilled, I couldn’t believe my luck. I thought, maybe I really will have a baby with the diapers and the little crib, so for me it was a really heartwarming and exciting moment.”

That was until she saw Spencer’s face — staying in a baby nursery was clearly the baby-phobe’s worst nightmare.

Because they had to actually sleep in the nursery, we couldn’t help but ask Heidi how that affected making sexy time. She was very honest, saying, “For me, it was more of an inspiration. I wanted to see what this could evolve into. But for my husband, I don’t think he was into it.”

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No kidding. So while Heidi couldn’t give us all the details of what happened on Marriage Boot Camp, she was able to share this exciting news:

“We definitely had a hard time in Boot Camp, but we came to a compromise at the end of it. Hopefully, I’ll be pregnant sometime this year!”

Wow, we guess Boot Camp worked!

But of course, Spencer tells a different story about being on the show. He claims that when he walked into the nursery, he was pretty horrified. “Our room had a baby crib that was so high up, Heidi was like, ‘Are we going to sleep up there?’ and I said, ‘No, we’re not,’ so we slept on the floor for two weeks. I don’t know if they’ll show that, but every night, Heidi and I grabbed the mattress out of the crib and slept on the floor. I’m allergic to dust, so I had dust all over me. It was awful.”

When we asked Spencer if he was able to get “in the mood” on the dusty floor, he was very clear. “There was no mood there. It was just a reminder to create one of these things [a baby] that you need diapers for. The only mood I was in was trying to do was quit the show.” Really? “Oh, I tried to quit every day,” said Spencer.

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Soon, though, it became clear to Spencer that if he didn’t change his mind about daddy duty, the marriage might not work out. Suddenly, he was faced with a tough choice: Either Heidi would need a new husband or Spencer would have to evolve into a new husband. After much soul-searching, he chose the latter and we’re proud of him.

Lastly, we asked a question that made Spencer groan, but had Heidi aflutter: We asked if there’s anything about fatherhood Spencer’s looking forward to. He stalled for quite a while, saying, “Well, I actually never thought about this.” Eventually, he had an answer.

“Probably the idea that I get to be on the sidelines of sporting events, yelling at referees and other parents about their kids is what I look forward to.”

Awww. We think that deep down, Spencer’s a big softy. But he also told us that Marriage Boot Camp is his most “insane show yet. I’m unplugging my parents’ satellite and telling all my friends, ‘Please don’t watch it,’ because it’s the show we went all-in on. I don’t know if anyone will be able to look at us the same way again after. I cry like a little baby on TV.”

Well, it takes one to know one, right Spence?

Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars premieres tonight on WEtv.

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