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Lindsay Lohan’s mosquito virus likely won’t get her out of jail time

Lindsay Lohan‘s trouble with the law is far from over. In fact, she might be headed back to the slammer.

More:What is the chikungunya virus? Everything you need to know

TMZ reports that the Canyons actress has found herself in hot water once again for failing to complete a mandatory 240 hours of community service — part of a plea deal stemming from her 2012 reckless driving case.

Lohan is due back in court on Wednesday to show the judge that she has completed her required hours, but according to TMZ, she “isn’t even close to finishing.”

To make matters worse, this was Lohan’s second chance, because she was meant to show proof of completion on Nov. 6, 2014, but at the time she was reportedly only halfway through the court-ordered hours. That means that this will be the second time the actress has failed to complete her community service, and there’s a chance the prosecutor could ask for jail time.

Lohan will reportedly be using her rare mosquito-borne virus called chikungunya — that she contracted while on vacation in Bora Bora — as a defense for not completing her hours. Also, the community service center in London, England, was closed for two weeks during the holidays.

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However, as TMZ notes, the problem with that excuse is that Lohan contracted the virus while she was on vacation instead of spending the time completing her community service, and even though she is genuinely ill now, that doesn’t mean that she will be let off the hook.

This year is certainly not getting off to a flying start for the Mean Girls star.

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