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Gwyneth Paltrow steams her vagina, but here’s why you def shouldn’t

This is probably not a treatment that any of us would have considered, but Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted to having steam treatments on her vagina.

Yes, you read that correctly. In a post on Paltrow’s lifestyle website Goop, she revealed some intimate details about the special treatment that she gets done to her lady parts.

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“Tikkun is the next level when it comes to Korean spas, combining high-tech far infrared heat with traditional Korean sauna therapies,” Paltrow writes. “So, if you want to lay down in a Himalayan salt brick tiled sauna, or sit in a Hwangto clay room, you get the added benefit of far infrared heat. And, in addition to the sauna rooms, there’s a long menu of massages and kick-ass body scrubs to complement the sauna time.”

But here’s where her post gets even more strange, because the mom-of-two has admitted to having Mugwort V Steam treatments at the Tikkun Spa in Santa Monica.

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She writes, “We’re burying the lede though, because the real golden ticket here is the Mugworth V-Steam [sic]: You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release — not just a steam douche — that balances female hormone levels. If you’re in LA, you have to do it.”

That actually sounds pretty uncomfortable. We’re not going to all rush to sit on a “mini-throne” anytime soon, and it looks like it’s not a treatment that doctors recommend, either.

According to a lengthy post by Dr. Jen Gunter, a board-certified OB/GYN and expert in vulvovaginal disorders, steam is not good for your vagina and herbal steam is even worse.

“We don’t know the effect of steam on the lower reproductive tract, but the lactobacilli strains that keep vaginas healthy are very finicky about their environment and raising the temperature with steam and whatever infrared nonsense Paltrow means is likely not beneficial and is potentially harmful,” Dr. Gunter writes.

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She continues, “Ms. Paltrow and the people who push V-steams also need a little anatomy lesson because unless that steam is under high pressure (like with ejaculation) it’s not getting from the vagina into the uterus. Air (whether hot or cold) does not magically wander from the vagina into the uterus. Heck, even water in the vagina doesn’t get sucked up by the uterus.”

And to sum it all up, Dr. Gunter says, “Steam is probably not good for your vagina. Herbal steam is no better and quite possibly worse. It is most definitely more expensive. Steam isn’t going to get into your uterus from your vagina unless you are using an attachment with some kind of pressure and MOST DEFINITELY NEVER EVER DO THAT.

“Mugwort or wormwood or whatever when steamed, either vaginally or on the vulva, can’t possibly balance any reproductive hormones, regulate your menstrual cycle, treat depression, or cure infertility. Even steamed estrogen couldn’t do that.”

So instead of forking over the cash to get your vagina steamed — according to Tikkun Spa’s website, a five-treatment package can be purchased for $200 or $50 for one session  — let’s leave this one to Paltrow until we’ve done more research on the pros and cons of getting your vagina steamed.

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