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We don’t think Rebecca Ferguson needs to lose weight

Who are these crazy people who aren’t happy with Rebecca Ferguson’s figure? Just look at her. She’s beautiful, curvy — and probably no bigger than a size 12.

Talking to MailOnline Rebecca revealed that some people in her life “aren’t happy” about her pregnancy weight gain: “People say ‘Oh, Becky don’t you want to lose a few pounds.’ and I’m like ‘I’m really content, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.’ It’s funny how the world [perceives] how you should be after pregnancy now, they think you should snap back into shape, especially if you’re in the public eye.”

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For someone who only gave birth (to her third child Arabella) last October, we think Rebecca looks amazing. In fact, she shouldn’t lose any weight. She’s the perfect example of a sexy, healthy body — and she has the attitude to match.

“I feel like I’ve got to be a role model,” the singer said. “It’s OK to just enjoy yourself. [Babies] take nearly a year to make, it’s going to take nearly a year to get back into shape. There’s a pressure from society. I had that when I was carrying Lillie and Karl. I went on diets and at one point I got down to a size 6 and my mum says ‘Becky, stop it.’ At that time I shouldn’t have been focused on my body, I should have been focused on my lovely little bundles of joy. And I think its OK to want to be healthy; I eat organic, I eat fish, vegetables, but you’ve got to balance happiness and wanting to look good.”

We love her outlook — so refreshing in a world where the majority of celebrity mums seem to be back in their size 6 skinnies two minutes after giving birth.

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