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Meghan Trainor’s response to sexist ‘Dear Future Husband’ song is disappointing

Meghan Trainor just let our inner goddess down again.

After being totally disappointed in Meghan Trainor for her “Dear Future Husband” song, we thought maybe she would have some existential reason we didn’t get for producing a song with genre roles straight outta 1950, and we patiently awaited her thoughtful response when asked the question about her sexist single.

More:Even slightly feminist chicks will hate sexist “Dear Future Husband”

Well, the question was asked at the iHeartRadio Awards, and she completely let us down — again.

Her response is totally lame.

She said, “Everyone’s going to say something. I don’t think it’s sexist. I just wrote a song for my particular future husband out there, wherever he is. I’m just preparing him. Letting him know what’s up.”

Insert huge eye roll.

More:Demi Lovato puts Meghan Trainor on blast for eating disorder comments

She could have literally said anything else, and we wouldn’t have been as disappointed, but she completely dodged the question and the real problem. She might just be showing her age and the fact that she might still be a little wet behind the ears, but at least her “people” could have better prepared her for the questions they knew she was going to get about it.

And then to try to follow it up by saying she is so empowering with her new partnership is just silly.

We’ve said it before, and we are saying it again: Meghan Trainor might have some songs we love, but she’s still got a lot of growing up to do.

More:Does Meghan Trainor really want self-acceptance or a thigh gap?

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