Amy Schumer graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week. It’s awesome, and made even more awesome by the fact that the publication did not decide to excessively Photoshop the star or remove her curves.
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Schumer is all about positive body image and she wasn’t afraid to strip down and pose nude for the cover. Well, kinda, because she’s not completely nude, she’s covered in mini-sized alcohol bottles — a quirky take on the rose petal scene from the 1999 film American Beauty.
Shortly after the shoot, the Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer star took to Twitter to post an unretouched version of the cover photo, and although she took it down shortly afterwards (so we cannot directly compare the two pictures), Schumer is thrilled with just how similar the cover photo and the untouched versions appear to be.
We raise 2,000 mini bottles to the funny, filthy and fearless @AmySchumer:
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 2, 2015
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“Thank you so much @EW I’m so proud. Much love to @Vilkomerson!!!” she tweeted on Thursday, followed by yet another tweet in which she explained just how proud she was to be a size 6.
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With all the Photoshopping scandals that there are out there these days, it’s really nice to know that there’s still a publication with integrity, one that is not fueling society’s unattainable expectations of beauty.
We love Amy, and we love the cover.
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