The more diversity in entertainment, the better.
And Marvel has been doing diversity with comic books lately. But X-Men‘s latest comic book reveal that Iceman is gay just seems forced.
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Iceman aka Bobby Drake doesn’t even come out on his own. His friend, Jean Grey, who can read minds, makes him confirm it after she listens in on his thoughts.
Image: Marvel Comics
It’s important to note the Iceman in this series of comics is the teenage version of the character, who has been displaced in time. The older, present-day Iceman will still identify as straight, according to the Huffington Post.
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X-Men writer, Brian Michael Bendis, explained the decision in a statement, “There are thousands if not millions of stories of people who, for many different reasons, felt the need to hide their sexuality. The X-Men, with the conceit of time travel, give us a fascinating platform in which to examine such personal journeys.”
And while Bendis’ reasoning is totally spot-on, his delivery in the newest issue of All New X-Men, out April 22, doesn’t quite sell it.
Of course, Bendis adds, “This is just the first little chapter of a much larger story that will be told.”
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Bendis also took to Twitter to express his disappointment that the plotline leaked prior to the comic book’s release tomorrow.
And so, just because Drake’s coming out wasn’t ideal, doesn’t mean we can’t wait to see what Marvel does with the story line from here on out. Plus, any characters that help teens identify and navigate the reality they’re living in is a positive move in my book.
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