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Jimmy Fallon reveals a huge Disney bombshell that’ll blow your mind (VIDEO)

We’re giving you fair warning.

Are you ready not just to laugh but to have your ever-loving mind totally blown?

Consummate late-night funny man Jimmy Fallon was smack in the middle of the hilarious #MyDumbFight skit when he paused to drop some serious knowledge on the audience and the rest of us just munching on popcorn, all unawares while sitting on our couches at home.

We had no warning our minds were about to be blown.

After receiving a tweet saying a couple was fighting about Mickey and Minnie’s relationship arrangement, he settled the debate once and for all. He says Walt Disney himself said the couple is married in real life but are dating as characters.


Not only does this reveal much, but it leaves us with so many questions. Like why on earth did Walt Disney say that or how on earth did he even come up with that?

Do our lives even having meaning anymore?

Watch the entire clip and tell us what you thought about the mouse couple. Did you think they were dating or married?

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