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Sister Wives theory: Will Kody say goodbye to his polygamous lifestyle?

Everyone has the same Sister Wives question: Now that Meri and Kody Brown are legally divorced, how much longer will their spiritual marriage last? However, we can’t help wondering about something else: How much longer can all four “spiritual marriages” last? We think Kody and Robyn are headed toward monogamy.

More:What can we learn from Meri’s tweets?

Of Kody Brown’s four “wives,” only one was legal, and that was from his 1990 marriage to his first wife, Meri. Shortly after, Kody began collecting more women for his family and “spiritually marrying” three more of them. Things seemed (mostly) hunky-dory for TLC’s polygamous family until earlier this year, when rumors of Meri and Kody divorcing began to fly. And on the show’s season finale, the couple confirmed the rumors.

The reason why seemed kind on the surface: to help the newest wife, Robyn, in an ongoing custody battle for her children. Apparently, Meri even made the suggestion. But as fans dove deeper into the show, things seemed more unclear. Meri has seemed unhappy for a while. And Kody has often seemed to play favorites with his newest acquisition. Fans often accuse Robyn of crying to get what she wants from Kody and seemed to think that, once again, it worked. Meanwhile, Meri’s only child is grown and she’s finally putting herself first. She’s working on completing her degree and seems focused on making a better life for herself without the help of Kody.

More:Oh, Kody and Robyn are totally running away

The harder she works, the more fans seems convinced that Meri not only wants out of the legal marriage but also out of that “spiritual” bond she has with Kody. We definitely think they’re right, but we wonder if Meri’s push for independence isn’t just the beginning of the end for the sister wives situation as a whole.

After all, Meri isn’t the only one with career aspirations and a grasp of what it means to be financially stable. When Robyn and Kody conned the other wives into helping sell Robyn’s jewelry at a trade show, it unsurprisingly ended in disaster. They sold only 20 percent of what they made. Kody’s second wife, Janelle, was quick to point out how unfeasible it was for Robyn to expect her accessory line to support their massive family. Janelle, a real estate agent, was ready to get back to her more profitable career. Looks like another wife is perfectly capable of taking care of herself without dealing with Kody. Meanwhile, Christine has butted heads with each of the wives and seems like the one least able to adapt to the Browns’ lifestyle. Perhaps she’s ready to cut the cord too?

More:Sister Wives‘ Kody Brown reveals he wanted to quit the show (VIDEO)

What do you think of the prospect of Kody going monogamous? Think he could handle it?

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