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Madonna just won the battle on ageism with one photo

Ah, Madonna.

We’ve loved her our entire lives. I remember when I was young that my mother wouldn’t let me watch her Blonde Ambition Tour videos with my older sisters. And now that Madonna is older, she is out to prove age is truly just a number and that it shouldn’t hold you back from anything you want to do (or wear or date).

It seems like a broken record; weren’t we just talking about how age-shaming Rebel Wilson is completely inappropriate?

We are bombarded by Pinterest boards and magazine articles about everything from clothing to makeup that is “age appropriate.” “10 things you shouldn’t wear after your 20s,” blah, blah, blah. And Madonna has always gotten flak for not “acting her age.” Well, she’s got one loud, clear and oh-so-perfect response for the haters and the trolls: “Bitch, I’m Madonna!”

More:Madonna says ageism is as bad as racism

She posted this photo late Wednesday evening with the caption, “Shut up jealous bitches! I hope you are as fun loving and adventurous as me when you’re my age!!!! Hahahhahaha let’s see.” Then she closes with the best hashtag: “#bitchimadonna.”

https://<a href="" id="auto-tag_instagram_1" data-tag="instagram">instagram</a>.com/p/26T7VEmEb3/
Yes. Forever, yes.

More:BBC’s ageism against Madonna is outrageous, and we must take a stand

Here’s the thing. We are all always clinging wildly to our youth, which is fleetingly slipping through our fingers. It could be athletics, beauty, your figure, fashion. Our glory days (*shakes a fist in the air*)… some of us never let go of our younger selves. Then some people do, and it seems like once the realization that they’ve let parts of their lives go that were fun, exciting and adventurous, they get a little bitter. Which ultimately leads to people hating on those who haven’t given up things that are unnecessarily deemed for younger people.

Unless someone can give me a rock solid, rational answer to the question, “Why exactly is anything Madonna does inappropriate for her age?”, my response will continue to be, both she and you, as a full-grown human being, can do whatever you want because age is just a number.

More:Madonna reveals sad, horrible reason she never pressed charges for her rape

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