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RHONY‘s Sonja Morgan’s dig at Bethenny Frankel’s parenting isn’t cool

One of the major plotlines of this season’s Real Housewives of New York has been Bethenny Frankel trying to help/advise Sonja Morgan. Frankel, in her typical, maybe-too-harsh way, has sat down with Morgan numerous times to address the issues so many of us have been talking about. However, now it looks like Morgan is turning on the one person who had the guts to say it to her face instead of behind her back.

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Morgan made a super-random comment about Frankel. She seems to think that Frankel’s criticism of her stems from her troubled childhood and really has nothing to do with trying to help Morgan out. “Bethenny is coming from a good place, but she is projecting some of her past life experiences she had with her mom on me because she knows what that feels like,” Morgan said. “But she doesn’t have to worry. I have a wonderful relationship with my daughter. I’m running my businesses that I have been building from scratch for the last three years. So this didn’t just happen overnight.”

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OK, first of all, what? This statement, like many of the things Lady Morgan says, is a little hard to follow. And second of all, ouch! To the RHONY novice, this may seem like an innocent enough remark. However, this isn’t the first time Morgan has mentioned her relationship with her daughter while referring to Frankel. Two weeks ago, Morgan pointedly said something along the lines of, “My relationship with my daughter is great,” while talking about Frankel during Real Housewives of New York. It’s almost as if she was insinuating that Frankel’s relationship with her daughter isn’t.

More:Bethenny Frankel’s excuse for being too thin is questionable (VIDEO)

If there’s one thing you don’t want to mess with right now, it’s Frankel’s situation with her daughter. She’s in the middle of an incredibly messy divorce, and it’s more than obvious that the fact that she doesn’t get to see her daughter as often as she used to is killing her. She broke down in a Crate and Barrel in front of Carole Radziwill Tuesday night, for God’s sake! Why Morgan would take a potshot at this when Frankel was trying to help is beyond me.

From a quick perusal of Frankel and Morgan’s Twitters, it looks like all was well between the two women as of yesterday. They were joking around with each other about a comment Frankel made about Morgan being “the David Hasselhoff of Latin America.” But something tells me Frankel won’t be feeling quite as chummy if she gets wind of Morgan’s interview.

I have a feeling Morgan and Frankel’s relationship is going to fall apart soon, if it hasn’t already. Although Frankel’s approach to dealing with Morgan was a little rough — as often is the case with Frankel — at the end of the day, she was just trying to be a friend to her. You don’t talk smack about someone who was trying to help, and you definitely don’t take digs at the kind of mother they are. Not cool, Sonja. Not cool at all.

More: RHONY star gives one big reason Bethenny Frankel’s drama is a problem (VIDEO)

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