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Party Down South: Karynda reveals her true feelings about Ray

What’s Party Down South star Karynda think of her hard partying, choosing between two boys and all the coupling happening at the house? She told us all the deets in her newest blog.

This week, I seem to be a professional at passing out in places other than my bed. First, I literally fall asleep outside while hiding from the boys and freezing my buns off. I woke up the next morning freezing cold and soaking wet (I’m sure y’all can guess why). My first thought was, “What happened last night?” followed by, “Who knows, but it looks like we had a good time.”

More:Karynda reveals the prank cut from last week’s episode

When I hear what happened with the boys last night at the bar, I am jealous that Hunter was as drunk as I was, yet he still remembers everything. I also hear that Duke brought a girl home last night and I can’t believe I missed it! He actually did it and I am so proud of him. We all know that Duke can be awkward and say a lot of weird things, so when he is able to keep a girl’s attention and bring her home, he is on a roll.

On what was said to Gracie

While watching the show, I saw how rude some of the roommates were to Gracie. If I had been awake, I am sure I would have been welcoming, especially if she had let me motorboat her boobs. Haha! Ashton said that the girl was ugly. I thought she was a pretty girl, had a fun personality and seemed like my kind of friend. When I found out that Duke was mad, from what Ashton told me, I didn’t think what she did was as big a deal as Duke was making it out to be. Now, seeing how everything went down, I realize that I would have reacted the same way he did. I don’t blame him for being upset with Ashton — she could have handled everything differently or just left it alone and allowed Duke to stick with a pace he was comfortable with. Maybe Duke doesn’t want to just hook up with a girl he doesn’t really know. Maybe talking to girls and getting to know them is his style. I have faith in Duke that he will make a move when he is ready; just give it time. I don’t think Duke was mad that he got blocked, I think he was just mad that Ashton made him look like someone he wasn’t in front of this girl. She could have gotten the impression that he only wanted to sleep with her, when in reality he wants more than that. We all know that Duke is a good guy and a real gentleman.

Every time we get our paychecks, our first stop to spend money is obviously the bar. This is bad for the boys because they typically spend their whole paycheck within one hour of being out. The girls, on the other hand, are really lucky because we don’t usually have to pay for drinks. I can go out with $20 bucks and come home with $17. Holla!

More: Party Down South 2‘s Karynda reveals what you didn’t see on last night’s episode

At work I saw my crush, Joe, and then I met Ray. Ray is obviously crushing on me and I’m showing him typical Karynda courtesy, which he confuses with flirtation. OK, maybe I was flirting a little, but who wouldn’t when they have a cute boy who seems interested. I told the girls that I thought Ray was into me, and while they didn’t believe me, deep down I knew that I was right. Karynda is always right. You can call me Ka-right-ynda!

I was excited to invite everyone from work to go out with us. Secretly, it was my way of getting to hang out with Joe without being too forward about it. Little did I know that Bradley was talking to Ray about liking me. The whole time I was at home and the boys were at work, I was scared that they would try to talk to Joe about me and possibly ruin any chance I had with him. I didn’t want them telling him all of my dirty/gross/pee/fart stories. Not that they would do it on purpose, but it could accidentally come out. Instead, they are telling Ray all of this, and he actually still wants me. Is this guy OK? Sorry, Ray, but nice guys aren’t for me.

On going out, and finally kissing Joe

This night is a huge night for me because I am meeting up with not one, but two guys at the bar. I am so nervous because I have never been in this situation before. I am mostly excited to see Joe, because he is simply my type of guy. He’s a bad boy who makes me chase him a little. I definitely have a weakness for that. And then there’s Ray, who seems like he would do anything for me, and he’s only known me for about two hours.

Before we went out, Duke and I cooked a lot of food, including lobster tails. I’m guessing that the tails weren’t done because Tommy and I were the only ones who ate them and while we were out, our stomachs were not feeling good. We felt so bad at one point that we almost left everyone to go home. You know things are bad when I contemplate leaving boys and free alcohol. I wasn’t going to let some lobster ruin my night, so I went back out there, kissed Joe, took a bunch of shots, and kept on going. It was awkward with Joe at first because he is so drunk that every time he looks at me, he makes this weird “whaaaaa” noise. Am I making out with a baby? I’m not sure. The next thing I know, I am getting out of a cab and I see our boss and his fiancée at our house and we’re having a blast playing drinking games.

More: Party Down South 2‘s Karynda reveals what really went down in St. Pete

On the big fight

I never even knew that Duke and Bradley were arguing. I guess I slept through that, so thank you cab driver for letting me stay in the cab. I find out that Bradley almost got into a fight at the bar and immediately I wonder, “How did he get so angry so fast? What happened to the happy Bradley from this morning?” Thank goodness they were able to get over it so fast.

On Raven and Bradley

Everyone in the house is wondering what is going on between Raven and Bradley. Are they together or are they broken up? I’m confused myself, but I’m not going to stress over it — whatever happens, happens. At least they are getting along and there really is no arguing going on. That’s a plus in my book. I kind of knew that when they broke up it wasn’t going to last long, and that’s just because they see each other all the time. They’re still sharing the same bedroom and it doesn’t help the situation when they’re both drunk and wanting some love. I’m sure I would do the same thing.

On Hunter and Kelsie’s “breakup”

We are all starting to question Hunter and Kelsie. We can tell that they like each other, but the two of them seem clueless. Kelsie just thinks that Hunter is flirting, and Hunter is trying not to have feelings for her, even though it is obvious he does. They’re both scared of getting hurt again and they came on this vacation to be single and have a blast — little did they know that they would get attached. I think they’re cute together and keep telling them they should date. I have a feeling they’re going to hook up very soon. I’m fine with there being another couple in the house — that means more single guys for me!

On Raven’s invite to Ray

When Ray comes out with us the next night, I realize that I am not into him like he is into me, so I tell him that I like Joe and that I would prefer for us to just be friends. I can tell he’s not OK with that, so when Raven invites him back to the house, it really aggravated me because I didn’t want to:

A. have to keep him company

B. get his hopes up and

C. I really just wanted to go to bed, by myself.

I know that Raven is drunk at this point, so I can’t be too mad.

On the booze cruise

Booze cruises are super-fun and I am excited when I find out we are going on a big one. I have been on a couple smaller ones and they are a blast, so I can only imagine how fun it will be with more people. We had to liven up the party by having dance competitions and doing body shots. I even had two not-so-attractive guys do a double body shot off of me. I got pretty sloppy, so my roommates had to help me off the boat. They’re used to this by now, but I’m still thankful to have them because I know I can be difficult at times. When normal people do stuff like that and see themselves, they may get embarrassed, but I must say that it doesn’t really bother me. I’m not proud, but it already happened and I can’t fix it, so I just say, “I’m alive! Let’s open up another beer and celebrate!”

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