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What is Celebrity Apprentice‘s fate after Donald Trump’s big announcement?

Will Donald Trump‘s presidential bid get in the way of your Celebrity Apprentice fix?

Trump announced he is running for president, and while some people are interested in his platform and how he plans to run the country if elected, we want to know the answer to the most important question: What does this mean for Celebrity Apprentice?

Contrary to rumors the show, which is up for its 15th season, is not being pulled, according to NBC. Trump might not be the host, but the show will go on.

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“We will reevaluate Trump’s role as host of Celebrity Apprentice should it become necessary, as we are committed to this franchise,” an NBC spokesperson announced.

Not that Trump needs the paycheck or anything. During his campaign announcement today, he claimed to have a net worth of $8.7 billion.

“I’m not doing that to brag, because I don’t have to brag,” he said. “I’m doing that to say that’s the kind of thinking our country needs. We have opposite thing — we have losers, we have people that don’t have it, we have people that are morally corrupt that are selling this country down the drain.”

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So if Trump doesn’t host Celebrity Apprentice, who will? Our vote goes to Martha Stewart. It’s not like she can run for president.

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