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Denise Richards has the best response to Charlie Sheen’s ugly Twitter rant

It’s been a long time since we were treated to a feast of Charlie Sheen‘s particular brand of crazy.

And he offered up a smorgasbord of it over the weekend, shocking fans and followers with his latest Twitter rant. This time, unfortunately, it was directed at his ex-wife Denise Richards.

On Father’s Day weekend, the ex-Two and a Half Men star took to the keyboard to lash out at the mother of two of his children in a bitter, hate-filled and almost unintelligible Twitter rant. The tweets have since been removed but, thanks to the internet, nothing is every really completely lost.

It started on Sunday afternoon when Sheen, apparently, began by posting, “Brooke M is a sexy rok [sic] star whom I adore D Richards a heretic washed up piglet Shame pile Happy Father’s Day!!!”

It’s not a far reach to assume “Brooke M” refers to Brooke Mueller, Sheen’s third ex-wife, while obviously “D Richards” is Denise Richards.

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This particular tweet was deleted but his completely insane “open letter to the media” is still available for the world to read (and try to understand). It takes shot after shot at Richards in a hate-fueled run-on rant which, among other things, calls Richards the “worst mom alive” and a “despicable charlatan.”

Most of the rant is disgustingly graphic and barely suitable for adults to read, let alone children, so beware where you read it. By the end of the post, I am completely lost. His use of misspelled words makes it even more difficult to get through.

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The only decent part of this entire sad situation is Richards’ response. The former Bond girl has the most perfect retort to such trash.

She took to Twitter to post a “kill them with kindness” message for the father of her two eldest saying, “Happy Dad’s Day! @charliesheen have a great trip in Mexico! Kids were disappointed u weren’t here for it- Hey we’ll celebrate when u r back! [sic]”
When asked if Sheen was in Mexico on business, she plainly responded, “Nope.”

Game. Set. Match: Richards.

That, my friends, is how you deal with internet trolls.

Just a few hours ago, she also tweeted out this picture, reinforcing her “don’t feed the trolls” stance.

Nicely done, Denise.

More:Charlie Sheen blasts Kim Kardashian in expletive-filled Twitter rant

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