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Real Housewives of New York‘s 11 Most Insane Fights Ever

Let’s be real. All of the Real Housewives casts love a good fight. Orange County slings wine, Atlanta snatches wigs and Beverly Hills breaks bones with dirty words.

But of all the Real Housewives, New York might just take the cake when it comes to brawling. From Scary Island to Ramona “Crazy Eyes” Singer’s hijinks throughout the years, it’s safe to say the Real Housewives of New York cast is here for our entertainment — and to get scrappy. I mean, Aviva Drescher threw her prosthetic leg in the Season 6 finale, for crying out loud.

And if you think that sounds wild, here are more insane RHONY fights.

11. Dorinda Medley vs. Dorinda Medley

Yes, my friends, the RHONY‘s trip to Mexico in Season 9, Episode 17 was an absolute shit show. Lots of tequila was involved (duh), and many tiffs were had. But Dorinda proved that her biggest enemy on the vacay was herself when she stabbed her own hand with a knife.

10. Bethenny Frankel versus Jill Zarin

Back when Jill Zarin was still on RHONY, she had an incredibly tumultuous relationship with Bethenny Frankel. The women started out as best friends, but things went south pretty quickly. One of their first big fights was over the phone. Not only was the argument super-uncomfy and the beginning of the end, but Jill had the nerve to put Bethenny on speaker when she was sitting with LuAnn.

9. LuAnn de Lesseps versus Alex McCord

Things came to a head with the countess and Brooklynite Alex McCord after Alex relayed some unpleasant news on Bethenny’s behalf to some of the girls. LuAnn wound up hitting below the belt by telling Alex that she “came in with her Herman Munster shoes,” to which Alex quipped, “Those are Louis Vuitton.” Meow!

More: RHONY‘s Luann D’Agostino Is Getting Divorced After Just 7 Months

8. Sonja Morgan versus Alex McCord

Alex’s husband, Simon, never mixed well with the girls of RHONY, and when he interfered with a speech Sonja was trying to give at a marriage equality rally, all hell broke loose. Sonja confronted Alex about what Simon did, and yup — she totally lost it.

7. Sonja and Aviva Drescher go at it: St. Barth’s, take one

When the girls decided to take a trip to St. Barth’s a few years back, of course there was going to be drama. But did anyone think all of it would involve Aviva Drescher? The first fight took place when Sonja confronted Aviva about hanging out with her husband on a “girls’ trip.”

6. Aviva thinks Ramona can’t handle the truth: St. Barth’s, take two

Ramona Singer and Sonja Morganstill couldn’t get over the fact that Aviva brought her husband on the trip, so Aviva approached the two of them while they were in the middle of a smack-talking fest, and suddenly she turned into Jack Nicholson, telling Ramona that she “can’t handle the truth.” Huh?

5. Aviva calls Ramona and Sonja white trash: St. Barth’s, take three

The girls just couldn’t get along on the trip at all. Case in point: Aviva’s seriously low-blow name-calling.

4. Ramona throws a drink in Kristen Taekman’s face

If there’s one thing you don’t mess with, it’s Ramona’s hair. So, when Kristen Taekman splashed Ramona’s ‘do in the Berkshires, she went as far as launching a glass in her face — and drew blood!

More: Latest RHONY Episode Challenged in a Last-Minute Lawsuit

3. Ramona and Jill’s Moroccan brawl

Ramona and Jill have always had a love-hate relationship, but the only thing happening in Morocco was hate. Things got super-heated with the two during a fight about Bethenny.

2. Aviva throws her prosthetic leg

No RHONY fan could ever forget when Aviva snapped off her prosthetic leg and tossed it across the room at Le Cirque in a fit of anger. Way to keep it classy.

1. Scary Island: “Go to sleep”

The best, most memorable, fight in all of RHONY history has to be when Kelly Bensimon and Bethenny Frankel went at it on Scary Island. In fact, this quite possibly could be the best fight in all of Real Housewives history.

Which fight was craziest to you?

Originally published June 2015. Updated August 2017.

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