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Sinead O’Connor blasts Kim Kardashian for killing music

Sinead O’Connor needs to calm down a little.

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The Irish singer has never been shy about voicing her opinions, however abrasive they may be, but after her latest outburst, she might want to try some new anger management techniques, because her reaction is a little strong for the situation. Maybe just take a deep breath and count to 10?

O’Connor posted the rant to her Facebook Tuesday about the latest Rolling Stone cover, which features reality star Kim Kardashian.

“What is this c*** doing on the cover of Rolling Stone ? Music has officially died. Who knew it would be Rolling Stone that murdered it? Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh can no longer be expected to take all the blame. Bob Dylan must be f***ing horrified. #BoycottRollingStone (sic),” she wrote.

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While Kim K is definitely a love-her-or-hate-her kind of celeb, O’Connor seems to have gone a little too far with the c-word, at least as far as fans are concerned.

“You know Sinead O’Connor I freaking adore you… however calling anyone the C word especially on social media, and especially given your status in the music world its disappointing (sic),” one fan wrote. Another chimed in about O’Connor’s Bob Dylan comment, saying, “Bob Dylan released an album which could only be bought at Starbucks,” she wrote. “I don’t think Bob Dylan would be as horrified as you think. Rolling Stone is about selling magazines.”

This is far from the first time O’Connor has written something extremely inflammatory about another celeb. She’s made headlines in recent years for butting heads with Miley Cyrus by claiming Cyrus is “stigmatizing” mental illness. She also famously spoke out about Justin Bieber’s role in the music industry, which is “nothing but vampires and pimps,” she said.

“The sounds of the records and the videos and how artists look has all been taken over by the industry,” O’Connor told Time magazine at the time. “In a way, music’s all been silenced. That’s why I feel strongly about the oversexualizing of young women. As long as you’re visually distracted, you’re not really listening. Male artists too. Justin Bieber, he’s being sold on his sexuality, but he’s too young to even understand what’s going on.”

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What do you think? Did Sinead O’Connor go too far? Or do you agree with her harsh criticism? Head down to the comments and let us know.

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