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RHONY‘s Sonja Morgan responds to alcoholism accusations

If you’re drinking so much that the Real Housewives of New York notice, well, there’s your sign.

But reality star Sonja Morgan doesn’t want to hear it.

Instead, Morgan is firing back at her co-stars for daring to suggest that she needs help.

“They all love to party excessively,” after Bethenny Frankel confronted Morgan about her drinking habits on a recent episode. “They shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses, because it bounces right back at them!”

But a RHONY insider revealed to Life & Style that Frankel isn’t the first to try to talk to Morgan about getting help for her drinking habits. “Both Ramona Singer and LuAnn de Lesseps have privately talked to Sonja about the possibility of rehab,” the insider said.

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But instead of looking inwardly, Morgan is more concerned with getting revenge on the ladies for suggesting she needs help. “I’ll call it a karma punch,” she said of what she hopes comes to her co-stars.

You know what they say: No one can help you if you don’t want to help yourself.

And Morgan’s drunken behavior is nearly legendary among Real Housewives‘ fans by now. TMZ has caught the reality star multiple times behaving erratically after having one too many.

If Morgan did decide to seek professional treatment, she’d hardly be the first Real Housewives star to get help for addiction-related problems.

More: RHONY‘s Sonja Morgan’s dig at Bethenny Frankel’s parenting isn’t cool

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards has been in and out of rehab for a while now, while her former co-star Taylor Armstrong developed a drinking problem following her husband’s suicide. And Real Housewives of Vancouver star Ronnie Negus also got help for alcohol addiction.

Do you think Sonja Morgan needs to get help for alcoholism?

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