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The WWE Divas take sides in Nikki Bella vs. Eva Maria feud (VIDEO)

A just-released deleted clip of Total Divas shows that the girls are definitely taking sides in the Eva Marie/Nikki Bella feud.

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The scene, which was deleted from last night’s episode of the show, depicts WWE divas Nattie, Brie Bella and Paige getting dolled up for the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame. And while the girls are getting ready to, they’re talking some smack about Eva Marie, who is in a heated feud with Nikki right now.

Paige even refers to her as “the dreaded Eva.”

“I’m actually speechless,” Nattie says in the clip.

“Eva just kind of bashed being a Divas champion and said that because of the champion [Nikki Bella is], everyone talks shit and the locker room is a negative place,” Brie adds. “And, ‘When I become champion,’ which she said is going to be here soon, she’s going to make sure to empower women. She’s going to make sure to have everyone be positive in the locker room because she’ll be a leader.”

But the rest of the divas clearly disagree.

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“Does she not realize that she’s the one that’s the problem and it isn’t Nikki?” Eva says.

Check out the full conversation below.

While we’re all for some girl power, bashing other women is never the way to achieve it. Hopefully, these girls can work out their issues and get back to focusing on their careers. But, of course, what would reality TV be without some drama?

More:Alicia Fox: What being a WWE Diva is like when the cameras are off

In case you missed it, here’s the heat between Eva Marie and Nikki Bella.

Which girl do you think is causing all the negative drama?

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