Teresa Giudice may be behind bars, but the Real Housewives of New Jersey star is causing lots of drama.
Teresa and Joe Giudice learned a hard lesson last year. The ostentatious couple was given prison sentences, respectively, after being charged with numerous (numerous) counts of fraud. Lest you live under a rock — or in a world that’s filled with only smart-people things — you probably know the details of their case and their sentences, and that Teresa is currently serving hers. But you may not know that Teresa has also now filed a case, claiming that it’s her lawyer’s fault, not her own, that she’s in jail right now. So perhaps I should redact that first sentence.
More:Teresa Giudice’s marriage is reportedly suffering while she’s in prison
Teresa’s current attorney, Carlos Cuevas, told Entertainment Tonight that the reality TV star and mother of four has filed a malpractice suit against her bankruptcy attorney, alleging that he “is the reason [she] currently is incarcerated.” Cuevas continued, “The missteps were so bad she had to plead guilty to bankruptcy fraud. Emotionally it’s a tremendous strain, because imagine going to bed at night and not being able to say to your children, ‘I love you.'”
No doubt, what Teresa is going through — and what Joe eventually will go through — is devastating. The thought of not being able to kiss your children goodnight every day is unbearable for any mother. My heart goes out to Teresa in that regard; really, it does. But, also… really?
More:Teresa Giudice’s new show would be bad — especially for her daughters
Despite the Giudices being a proverbial open book of a family, there obviously are many things we don’t know about them — particularly when it comes to their finances, which I suspect are the root of their current lawsuit. But when is enough enough? When does the blaming stop? When do the lawyers stop? When do they stop trying to find an easy way out and just accept that what they did was wrong and try to move on, becoming better people in the process? If not for themselves, for their four daughters. You can only take shortcuts so many times before you run out of them, right?
More:Teresa Giudice is furious with Joe — and not because of cheating rumors
It’s always a little weird writing about Teresa, because as a mother, I’m fully cognizant of the fact that she has four daughters, at least two of whom are capable of using the internet. So it’s worth mentioning that I really am rooting for her to do the right thing by just accepting her punishments full stop and then moving on with her life. (Everybody loves a comeback story, no?) I don’t think she’s a bad person, I just think she’s made some bad choices — and she has the ability to fix these choices and do right by her family. Come on, Teresa, you can do it!
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I would be fairly shocked if Teresa winds up winning this case, as I think everyone — the judicial system of New Jersey included — has pretty much had it with the Giudices and their never-ending list of the dog ate my homework-style excuses.
But perhaps it’s then — if and when they lose their next case — that the message will finally sink in for Tre. Like I said, I’m rooting for her.
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