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Teen Mom 2‘s Nathan Griffith was right to abandon Team Jenelle

Nathan Griffith is not the most likable guy on Teen Mom 2, but even he can see why taking his oldest son away from his current home could be a bad idea. But according to Jenelle, Nathan’s not seeing reason… he’s leaving Team Jenelle for Team Babs!

Teen Mom 2 meets the real world

If you’ve been keeping up with Jenelle’s current love life (as opposed to the delayed Teen Mom 2timeline), you already know that the reality star has ended her engagement… for the second time! It was already oddly fascinating to see her roller coaster relationship on Teen Mom 2, but it’s even more intriguing in light of her recent issues with Nathan. Typically, fans of the show are quick to side with Jenelle, but during tonight’s episode, Nathan gained a surprising level of sympathy.

More: Jenelle Evans admits that her son isn’t her priority, at all

Nathan acts (gasp) reasonable while discussing custody issues

Jenelle is determined to be a bigger part of Jace’s life, and while it initially seemed like Nathan didn’t give a crap, it turns out that he had a surprisingly reasonable take on the whole situation. According to Nathan, it’s a bad idea to take Jace away from the place he’s called home for so long. He makes a good point — Jace is accustomed to living with Barbara, and while his living situation is certainly not perfect, it’s at least somewhat stable.

More: Jenelle Evans makes an unexpected decision about her engagement

Ditching Team Jenelle

Jenelle thinks that Nathan is never on her side, but really, it’s hard to side with somebody who expresses such a lack of gratitude for the woman who stepped in and cared for Jace when his absentee mother was doing drugs and getting in trouble with the law. If anything, by calmly assessing the situation to see which setup is best for Jenelle’s oldest son, Nathan is abandoning Team Jenelle and joining Team Jace. And that’s one team everybody’s happy to join.

More: Jenelle Evans and her mom are embroiled in a bitter custody battle

Nathan is usually attacked mercilessly on Twitter, but not tonight. Fans of Teen Mom 2 actually managed to say something good about the controversial reality star:

Will the real Nathan Griffith please stand up?

It’s hard to believe that the guy who calmly walked away from a potentially explosive argument with Jenelle is the same dude who was arrested for domestic violence. How is it that he can seem so reasonable one moment and be such a toxic presence the next? He managed to avoid a violent confrontation this time, but we already know that this is not how one of his future arguments will end.

If one thing is obvious, it’s that Jenelle and Nathan bring out the worst in each other, so it’s a good thing for the sake of the reality stars and their poor kids that they are once again on the outs. Now, the question is, will they once again jeopardize their children by getting back together? It’s hard to say, but after seeing just a hint of the trouble brewing in their relationship, most fans hope that they’ll finally give up on this ill-fated romance.

Images courtesy of MTV.

Should Nathan Griffith have offered Jenelle Evans more support? Or was sticking up for Barbara (and Jace) the right choice? Comment and share your thoughts!

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