When it was revealed that Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel was dating Modern Family‘s Eric Stonestreet, the world collectively went, “Whaaaa?” But as it turns out, this may be a match made in heaven.
Skinnygirl founder Bethenny Frankel doesn’t have the world’s best track record when it comes to relationships. And she knows this. On Real Housewives of New York, she’s not shy about saying that she has issues when it comes dating and marriage. Hell, she even wrote a book called I Suck at Relationships So You Don’t Have To. So, when we found out that Frankel was dating actor Eric Stonestreet, we understandably didn’t think it was going to last. But after an interview Frankel gave on the Today show, I think we all could be wrong.
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When asked about her relationship with Stonestreet by Savannah Guthrie, Frankel said that she’s happy. “I’m not making it a habit of confirming or denying anything because then it will be likes roaches — you’ll have to kill them all,” Frankel said. “So, I’m just saying that I’m happy and in the fall I intend to be very, very sexually active.” But, that’s not all the reality star said. Frankel also said that she’s dating other people — sort of.
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While plugging her book, Frankel mentioned that women should always have “multiple burners going.” Guthrie then asked her if she had multiple burners going right to now, to which Frankel cagily replied, “I may be working the burners. I think that’s what women should do.”
Now, Frankel obviously didn’t come out and say that she and Stonestreet are seeing other people, but oh my god, I hope they are. That’s exactly the kind of relationship Frankel needs to be in. One that starts off slow, isn’t super serious and is overall casual and fun.
As any fan of RHONY knows, when Frankel got together with her ex-husband Jason Hoppy, it was full speed ahead right from the get-go. Shortly after they met, Frankel got pregnant; then they had an elaborate wedding; then, not long after, they got involved in what sounds like one of the more bitter celebrity divorces out there. In short, it was too much, too fast. From the first few times we saw Frankel and Jason together, there always seemed to be this sense of urgency between the two of them, an underlying pressure. It never seemed super laid-back or “let’s see what happens” — and look what happened.
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Also, for RHONY fans who want to take it way back, there was Frankel’s boyfriend before Hoppy, also coincidentally named Jason, who she continually pressured to move in with her and get married. Obviously, that didn’t end well either.
Being that her last big relationship moved incredibly fast — and being that she’s neck-deep in divorce and custody drama right now — I’d say a casual relationship with someone like Eric Stonestreet, where she has “multiple burners going,” is perfect for her right now. Maybe something big, like marriage, will come of it, or maybe it’ll fizzle out. But it’s moving in a completely different direction than her relationship with Jason Hoppy, and that’s certainly a good thing.
From the sound of things, Frankel knows that she needs to make changes when it comes to how she approaches relationships, and it seems like she’s doing just that. Let’s just hope that her boyfriend is cool with not being the only burner on her stove, though.
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