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The reason why Chasing Life‘s Leo has to die

Chasing Life has become one of the biggest hits for ABC Family. Who wouldn’t love a show featuring a girl with cancer who falls for a boy with cancer? Fans of the couple are rooting for April and Leo to live happily ever after. Sadly, one of them is going to have to die.

The love story created from cancer

Now that Chasing Life’s April and Leo have cemented their romance with a beautiful, poignant wedding — in the hospital chapel no less — something is going to have to happen to keep the show interesting. If not, it will be like the end of a good book, where the couple gets married and lives happily ever after. Unfortunately, this couple has their own struggles with cancer, and soon one of them is going to have to succumb to this horrible disease.

Image: ABC

Leo dying is the obvious answer to the current story line that the couple finds themselves in. April is the main character of the show. She is the center of almost every story line, so killing her off could essentially kill the show. If Leo died, it would add a whole new layer to the character of April, who would not only be dealing with her own mortality, but the death of the man she loves, the one person in her life who knew exactly what she was going through, as well as the man who is her kindred spirit. However, it would also free April up to rekindle her relationship with the other man she loves, Dominic, which would thrill fans of the couple.

Tragedy must happen for the show to move on

However, Leo dying is also the easy answer. What would happen if the show instead killed off April? Could it go on? It would leave Leo, mourning the love of his life, being comforted by all the female friends and family that April has. Who could they pair Leo up with? There are plenty of choices, including April’s sister, Natalie, and her best friend, Beth. It could be interesting to see how April’s friends and family move on after she dies. It could also be boring and very shortlived.

Realistically, since the show must kill off one of the characters, there are no other options than to kill off Leo, which will end up breaking the hearts of millions of fans. It will be emotional and tragic — and will leave everyone in tears, whether they are Team Leo or Team Dominic. Not only does Leo have to die, but he will have to die soon. The story lines on Chasing Life have moved fast, and we don’t expect it to take long for the show to evolve into this tragic finale of Leo and April’s romance.

What do you think about Chasing Life killing off one of the main characters? Will you still watch the show after the death?


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