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Our Little Family’s Michelle blogs about her growing, changing family

Mother’s Day was so much fun. I enjoyed watching the scenes with just Dan and the kids. Since I am not in those scenes, I had no idea what happened, or how funny it truly is. Dan is super great with the kids. I love how he is teaching Jack to use his tools and to make special things, and I truly think Jack enjoys it also.

More: Jack’s best one-liners on Our Little Family

As much as I love the normal girly gifts, especially jewelry, I think it was so much better this year for Dan to help the kids focus on giving me something they made themselves. It really is much more from the heart and means so much more than a purchase from the mall. There are enough other occasions through the year for that still.

More:Exclusive interview about Season 2 withOur Little Family‘s Michelle Hamill

The one thing that really stood out watching the new premiere episode of our second season is how much the kids have changed. When you are with them every day, you notice little things and little moments sometimes, but when you stand back and watch like we are blessed to be able to do, you really notice how grown-up and outgoing the girls are. Jack is really a young man now, and although he has child moments, you really are starting to see how intelligent, thoughtful and even funny he has become.

More: Michelle teaches her children that it is OK to be different on Our Little Family

My family life is even more than I have always dreamed about; I am so lucky to have found such a loving, caring partner, and we are both working hard at helping our kids become great young people. I think they are starting to teach us about life as much as we are teaching them.

What was your favorite part of the premiere episode? Do you have any questions for Michelle? Ask in the comment section below.

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