Chelsea Handler is no stranger to shocking her fans with NSFW photos.
So, it is no real shocker that her latest Insta post shows her in next to nothing again. But this time, it wasn’t her nipples that were bared; she covered her downtown lady bits with some fruit — an apple, to be precise.
She captioned the awkward snap, “Look at my hair. Something must have happened while I slumbered.”
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More:Chelsea Handler posts her 897th topless pic — this time from Japan (PHOTO)
While the comedienne has a penchant for going topless and we are all for her war with Instagram over their nudity policy, there is so much about this photo that is both awkward and uncomfortable.
There are just so many questions!
What is up with her facial expression? Why does she have an apple in her bathroom? Seriously, what is going on with her hair? What does she do to keep those rock-hard abs? Is that night cream on the counter? *Leans in close and almost puts nose on screen.* What kind is it?
More:Chelsea Handler goes topless for a camel ride in Israel (PHOTO)
I would assume most would consider this photo a tad more risqué than a simple nip pic, but it should more than meet Instagram’s strict guidelines regarding nudity. So, brava to Handler for expertly pulling off another blow to the ridiculous rules and for her epic use of photo props.
Echoing many of her fans, I think we can safely say most of us want to be Chelsea Handler when we grow up.
More:Chelsea Handler outs her ex-boyfriend’s horrible behavior (PHOTO)
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