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Charlie Sheen sets his sights on the White House, alongside Donald Trump

Charlie Sheen‘s ambition goes beyond being a winning warlock — the notorious bad boy thinks he’s qualified to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world.

Despite once referring to presidential hopeful Donald Trump as a “shame pile of idiocy,” the Anger Management star thinks the real estate mogul should choose him for a running mate.

It was just a month ago that Sheen posted this tweet condemning Trump.
More:Charlie Sheen tweets strange poem supporting Brian Williams

But now the admitted drug user and serial porn star dater with a criminal history thinks he and Trump would actually make a great team — and we can blame Owen Wilson for that.

In an interview with the Daily Beast, Wilson compared Trump to Sheen because they both have a habit of shocking and often inappropriate honesty.

“You can’t help but get a kick out of [Trump], and I think part of it is we’re so used to politicians on both sides sounding like actors at press junkets — it’s sort of by rote, and they say all the right things,” Wilson said. “So here’s somebody who’s not following that script. It’s like when Charlie Sheen was doing that stuff — like, wow! He’s answering a question completely honestly, and in an entertaining way.”

Sheen took the comment to heart, so much so that it gave him an absolutely brilliant idea: He should be Trump’s running mate!

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Trump has not commented on Sheen’s offer, but we certainly hope he brings it up tonight when he is interviewed by Sarah Palin, as she announced on Facebook today.

Yes, this a real thing that is actually happening.

More:Sarah Palin is more upset over “pedophile” Lena Dunham than Josh Duggar

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