Ben Ploughman wins the award for best line of the night when he went into the Star Trek-inspired challenge talking about his disappointment in having to redesign his crappy makeup.
It all began with a Foundation challenge in which the Face Off contestants were tasked with creating a retro alien. The fast battle quickly gave way to the main challenge’s motivation: rebooting that makeup using the same model to create a more modern character that might be seen today in a fresh film franchise.
It wasn’t the news Ben wanted to hear — especially because he hated the retro alien he had just created. His outlook? He was going to “polish a turd” by transforming his crappy makeup into something more inspired. “Let’s see how shiny this turd can get,” he said. Obviously, Face Off fans — and Ben himself — filled Twitter with a flush of #PolishThatTurd commentary.
Was Ben able to successfully turn the turd into polished makeup gold? We have a full breakdown of how each artist ranked on the Reveal Stage.
More:Face Off’s Libby Rose says giving immunity can be unfair
Finished looks in the middle of the pack
These were the makeups deemed “safe” by the judges.
He couldn’t have been eliminated anyway since he had won immunity in the Foundation challenge earlier with his retro alien.
More:Why Face Off should ditch its Foundation challenge (PHOTOS)
Best of the best
The following makeups were labeled as the “top looks” of the challenge.
“You’ve given him a fantastic bone structure,” judge Ve Neill said before the panel named him the overall challenge winner. Yep, Ben’s turd wasn’t crappy anymore. He polished that thing like nobody’s business!
“It’s one of the best paint jobs in terms of the technique of application that I’ve ever seen on the show,” judge Glenn Hetrick said.
“This is a stunning makeup job,” Ve said. “The treatment on the chest and the color combination is amazing.”
On a personal note, I think Scott has been a solid competitor all season. I just didn’t quite enjoy this makeup as much. Something about it seems off to me.
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At risk for elimination
The following makeups were labeled as the “bottom looks” of the challenge.
“Just because you did great armor last week that helped you succeed, that is death on this show and in your professional career,” judge Glenn Hetrick said. “To take something that worked last week and go, ‘I’m just gonna keep repeating that and it will get me somewhere.’ It will not.”
“The fundamental forms of the sculpture are flawed,” Glenn said.
“There’s a massive collaboration of technical errors,” Glenn said. “Unfortunately, I think it is an absolutely catastrophic sculptural fail in that her upper lip is so far out over her lower lip.” After being in the bottom looks last week, the judges decided Jason’s time on the show was done.
Images: Syfy
While it’s a bummer to see Jason leave the competition, I was surprised he was spared from elimination last week after his strange lizard creature.
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