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Our Little Family‘s Michelle Hamill spills on her future in skydiving

This week is all about the girls on Our Little Family. My favorite scene of the entire season was taking Cece and Cate shopping for dance clothes. Cece loved it!

It was quite adorable, I must say. She enjoyed everything about it, from trying on the clothes to picking out what she was going wear. It made my heart so happy, and I teared up seeing her get so excited to try everything on. Cate, on the other hand, was not a big fan, and that was fine, but I must say it was just shocking to me.

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As we all know, I enjoy it so much when my girls wear the same thing, and I will continue to do that as long as I can get away with it. When we went into the dance store, I knew it was going to be hard to find two of the exact same tutu, which is why I didn’t mind so much that they both had on different outfits.

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Here’s a scene that was not shown: As I was getting the girls dressed for their dance class, Cate said to me, “I don’t want to take dance class.” I said OK, let’s just go and see what it is all about it. Cece was dancing around the house in her tutu and couldn’t wait to go. Then we got to dance class and they totally switched on me, which blew me out of the water. I now don’t even try to predict how they are going to react to situations, because I am most likely going to be wrong.

More:Michelle Hamill teaches her kids that it is OK to be different

When Dan went skydiving, he was so calm and cool; it was unbelievable. Everyone asked me if I was nervous for him to do it, and I said no way. He was so cool and calm about it that there was no need to be nervous for him. The story plays like I was nervous, but I felt pretty comfortable with him doing it. I also have been asked a lot if I am ever going to go skydiving, and I want to — maybe if we are lucky enough to get a Season 3. I felt the need to be there for my kids just in case something happened. I think that all moms can relate to that.

Thank you all so much for watching and all of your support!

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