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Teen Mom 2: Kailyn Lowry accused of wasting Jo’s money on fancy new digs

Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, Isaac and Lincoln all adore their new home, but fans of Teen Mom 2 aren’t quite as enthused. According to some, Lowry financed her fancy new digs by hitting up Jo Rivera for support money.

The vast majority of the drama on the latest season of Teen Mom 2 has involved Leah Messer’s stint in rehab and Jenelle Evans’ ongoing issues with Nathan Griffith. But these two are certainly not the only reality stars struggling to get along with their exes. Lowry also has her fair share of problems, although they are, perhaps, less urgent than the drama surrounding Messer and Evans.

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Lowry may not be in the midst of crippling anxiety (read: addiction) or assault charges, but she has still managed to attract plenty of criticism from her haters on social media, many of whom believe that she is going out of her way to sap every spare dollar out of Jo Rivera. She argues that the money is needed to support Isaac, but many of Lowry’s critics suspect that she’s simply using Rivera to finance her fancy new home.

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In a prior episode, Lowry claimed that her family had outgrown her old home, and while that may be true, they certainly didn’t need to move from a moderately small house to a mansion. According to Rivera, the problem isn’t one of necessity, but rather greed and selfishness. Unfortunately, this greed is not only negatively impacting Rivera, it is hurting the new gal in his life. What’s more, it could make it difficult for him to provide for his new baby in the future. These factors are of little concern to Lowry, who evidently feels that a nice home trumps all else.

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Lowry hasn’t exactly received a lot of praise on Twitter as of late, but her haters were especially vicious tonight, with many hurling rather nasty insults at the reality star. Other critics were a bit more tempered, although nearly everybody seemed to agree that Lowry purchased more house than her family really needed.

The ongoing drama between Lowry and Rivera is bound to be further explored during the upcoming Teen Mom 2 reunion. Tune in next week to see whether the two have somehow managed to make nice.

Do you think Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin should have found a more modest house? Comment and share your opinion below.

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