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Face Off: Welcome to the freak show (PHOTOS)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Step right up! Come inside! Feast your eyes on the freaks like Lobster Larry and Twisted Tom. You won’t be able to peel your eyes away.

The concept this week was to take a sideshow act and create a fantastical character that would have wowed audiences in true freak show style. Awesome! I was really excited about this Face Off challenge right off the bat. I’ve been fascinated by the concept of the freak show, especially since I first laid eyes on Tod Browning’s 1932 horror hit Freaks. If you’ve never seen that movie, it’s definitely worth checking out to see why it’s still ranked among the scariest movies ever made. I wasn’t alone in my excitement for this week’s battle, with many dishing love for it on Twitter.

Finished looks in the middle of the pack

These looks were good enough not to be sent home but not the best of the night.

Scott: Twisted Tom

It actually didn’t matter much what Scott produced since he was safe from elimination after winning immunity in an earlier Foundation challenge.

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Jordan: Elephant Lady

This was, to me, the best example of a freak show character out of the entire bunch. I’m bummed the judges didn’t include it among the top looks.

Stevie: Icicle Irma

Nora Hewitt: Lobster Larry

Best of the best

The judges picked just one makeup as the “top look” from the challenge.

Ben: The Human Peacock

Yeah, I think this makeup is cool, but the best overall? Nah. I think the judges got this one wrong. Something about this makeup reminds me too much of a deformed version of Bela Lugosi’s Dracula. Right? I would have preferred to see Jordan’s Elephant Lady in the top spot.

The judges gushed praise at Ben for this work before naming him the winner of the freak show battle. “The form [is the] best thing you’ve done on the show, hands down,” judge Glenn Hetrick said. “The fact that you took this into the fantasy realm, but kept it human enough that it almost looks like a deformity, that, to me, is the heart of this challenge.”

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At risk for elimination

These are the makeups ranked as the “bottom looks” of the challenge.

Evan: Moon Girl

This was, by far, my least favorite freak show makeup out of the entire batch. I mean, just, wow. The judges and Evan all discussed their disappointment with the creation.

“I don’t feel like I did the best job in the world, but I like her as a character,” Evan told the judges before Hetrick called it “somewhat of a failure.”

Judge Ve Neill summed up her thoughts in just a few, sharp words. “She’s a freaking mess, dude.”

Really, if the judges were basing their elimination solely on this challenge, then Evan should have been booted. This was just plain bad.

Meg: Inside-Out Oscar

“I think he looks really creepy and weird,” Meg said before presenting this makeup to the judges. “But in comparison to work I’ve done, this is not a good representation of what I can do with my skill set.”

After being ranked in the “bottom looks” more than any other contestant this season, Meg wasn’t able to dodge elimination this time as the judges sent her packing.

“This is some straight-up Party City shit going on right here,” Hetrick said when the panel took a closer look.

Although tearful, Meg kept her head held high as she packed her makeup kit. “I didn’t believe in myself when I came here,” she said. “Face Off has given me the opportunity to do more artistically than anything that I’ve ever done. It’s been the coolest ride of my life, and I will never forget a minute of it. I’m proud of myself, and that’s not something that I say lightly.”

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Do you think the judges made the right decision in eliminating Meg? Which makeup in this challenge was your favorite? Who do you think deserves to win the entire competition? Dish your thoughts by leaving us a comment!

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