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Sleepy Hollow Season 3’s new ladies: Evil Pandora vs. seductive Betsy

Sleepy Hollow began its third season with two new female characters — and we’re pitting Pandora against Betsy Ross to see who has more potential.

Who will be the best new addition to the show? Read on and find out.

Warning! Spoilers ahead. Consider yourself warned.

Evil Pandora

In the first minute of the episode, Pandora (Shannyn Sossamon) managed to do something that not many others had before her: She made The Horseman of Death her bitch. Like, seriously, she waved her hand at his red-eyed horse, started to sing a song and, before you knew it, Death and his trusty steed were in a box. Talk about making an entrance. No one is likely to forget that one anytime soon.

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From the moment she appeared onscreen, viewers were intrigued and Twitter was bursting with comments about the mysterious Pandora. She’s evil, but that didn’t seem to stop fans from instantly falling in love with her — and we can’t blame them. She’s set to bring a new kind of evil to the show, one that is also sexy. It’s a different vibe than other nasty characters, such as The Horseman or Jeremy (John Noble). Right now she’s one big mystery, but the fact that she’s located right in our little town of Sleepy Hollow means we’re bound to get answers about her really soon.

More:SPOILERS: How Sleepy Hollow is pushing more boundaries in Season 2

Badass Betsy Ross

This episode brought a new light to the person we’ve all known as the lady behind the American flag. As Ichabod (Tom Mison) said, Betsy (Nikki Reed) was much more than the “flag woman,” and though we only saw a few brief moments with her, it appears that’s quite the understatement. She, too, made a big impression her first scene, proving that she was a partner worthy of Ichabod. Dare we say that Betsy might even compare to Abbie?

Plus, there’s the tantalizing knowledge that Betsy and Ichabod shared some “moments” in the past. Ichabod sidestepped Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Jenny’s questions, but it certainly looked like there might be more to them than just glances and that good luck kiss.

Unlike Pandora, Betsy is, unfortunately, stuck in the past and in Ichabod’s memories for now. If this show has taught us anything, though, it’s that characters in the past don’t always stay there. Even if she is destined to only be brought to us via flashbacks, that still makes her an intriguing character. After all, who doesn’t love spending some time in Ichabod’s rich history? And though Pandora may seem like the tougher of the two ladies at this point, let’s not forget that Betsy was one of Washington’s top spies, who single-handedly managed to penetrate the British frontline.

More:Sleepy Hollow‘s Lyndie Greenwood tells us why you’ll need wine for Season 2

Whether you love Pandora or Betsy, either way, it was nice to have the show back from its extremely long hiatus.

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