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Justin Bieber’s dad awkwardly responds to leaked nude pics of his son

And you thought your parents were embarrassing.

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Justin Bieber‘s dad, Jeremy Bieber, revealed he’s super proud of his son’s manhood with a tweet that takes the awkward parent to a whole new level.

https://<a href="" id="auto-tag_twitter_1" data-tag="twitter">twitter</a>.com/JeremyBieber/status/652506486124449792
Photos of Justin caught in his birthday suit basking on vacation in Bora Bora were leaked this past week and, of course, went viral. And while he hasn’t commented on the pics directly yet, his dad clearly wasn’t shy about sharing his opinion. Don’t let that blushing face emoji fool you.

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Jeremy may have been impressed with his son’s manhood, but fans were super unimpressed with his #prouddaddy tweet.
And furthermore, Justin is reportedly super upset by the leak as well, as he should be. According to The Hollywood Reporter, his legal team is threatening to sue anyone who has published the photos, which were taken without his permission using a telephoto lens.

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Justin’s nudes shouldn’t be viewed any differently than ohotos of the number of women who have been subjected to similar violations in recent years. No one should have to face revealing photos being made public unless they expressly approved the release.

Of course, Justin has made nude photos of himself public in the past, but just because he chose to share one image doesn’t mean his body is up for grabs in any way a photographer sees fit.

His dad should probably look at the bigger picture here and protect his son, rather than just focusing on one aspect of that photo that makes him a total creeper.

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