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Manzo’d with Children fans urge Caroline to stay out of her kids’ relationships

Lauren Manzo may be the ultimate bridezilla, but if there’s one thing her mom doesn’t have to worry about, it’s going through the same pattern with her son Chris. That being said, Caroline Manzo would prefer a groomzilla Chris to one who doesn’t want to get married at all.

Caroline’s ultimate goal is to see all of her children married off to the spouses of their dreams — and for these couples to expand the Manzo family with several grandchildren. Lauren and Vito Scalia will likely help the reality star achieve her dream of becoming a doting grandma — as may Albie one day. But during tonight’s episode of Manzo’d with Children, Chris greatly disappointed his mom by admitting that he has absolutely no intention of getting married or having kids.

More: Manzo’d with Children fans are digging Caroline Manzo’s snatchelor party

Interestingly enough, after she went to great lengths to ensure that Albie and Brittney would not be in a relationship — especially not one involving holy matrimony — Caroline took the opposite approach with Chris. She got super bent out of shape after her son admitted that marriage and kids would not be in his future. This isn’t all that surprising, because Caroline has a bit of a history of sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, especially when it comes to her kids’ relationships. She really does want the best for her kids, but sometimes, that means that she’s unable to mind her own business.

More: Caroline Manzo is nearly as big a bridezilla as Lauren

Many Manzo’d with Children fans quickly recognized the familiar theme of Caroline messing around with her kids’ love lives, and, suffice it to say, most weren’t happy about it. Fans of the show largely sided with Chris, claiming that the reality star should be able to live his life as he sees fit. If marriage is in the picture one day, that’s great. And if not, all hope of Caroline becoming a grandmother is not lost. The following are a few of the many tweets highlighting Caroline’s propensity for meddling in her kids’ affairs:
A few fans, although very supportive of Chris’ dedication to the bachelor life, have claimed that this is further proof that he is not into women.

Regardless of Chris’ sexual orientation, it’s obvious that he has no intention of following in Lauren’s footsteps — and that’s perfectly OK. The sooner Caroline realizes this, the sooner she can go back to breaking up poor Albie’s relationships.

More: Materialism threatens Lauren and Vito Scalia’s marriage

What did you think of Caroline Manzo’s reaction to her son’s big announcement about marriage and kids? Should she stop worrying about her children’s love lives? Comment and share your opinion below.

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